24-Hour Access is open at the Jackson R. Lehman Family Y, Jorgensen Family Y, Whitley Y, and the Caylor-Nickel Fdn Y!
Stop by the membership desk or call to add 24/7 access to your membership and gain access after normal hours. 24-Hour access is a $4.99 per month, per person add-on to your monthly membership fee. An additional 24-Hour Access waiver muist be signed in-person at the branch before access is granted.
For a complete list of rules see our 24-Hour Access Code of Conduct, our FAQ, or visit the member services desk at any YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne. All members who sign up for 24-hour access will need to complete an additional code of conduct form.
The YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne will continue to evaluate opportunities to open additional 24-hour access facilities.
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Locate YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne Branches HERE.